The purpose of the senior projects is for the student to depart from the conventional school day and to broaden their learning experiences outside the classroom. Students have two weeks to focus on furthering the pursuit of an interest they may already have, or gain hands on experiences in new areas of interests.

Projects typically fit into one of the following categories:
  • It may be oriented to the community, involving work for a non-profit service organization, whether cultural, political, or environmental.
  • It may be an apprentice-type work experience such as a teacher's aide, a lab assistant, or a hospital aide.
  • It may be primarily academic in nature such as an independent interdisciplinary or in-depth study.
During the project period, students are guided through the process by both on-and-off campus advisors. Sometimes during the projects students discover a new passion, solidify their current interests, or learn that they are not well suited for an area they once considered as a possible college major. It is also not uncommon for students to receive employment offers as a result of their work.

At the culmination of the project, students deliver formal presentations in Spaulding Auditorium to classmates, faculty and their families. Seniors also write and submit a Senior Project final assessment paper which reflects their experiences and insights they may have gained during their projects.
Laguna Blanca is Santa Barbara’s premier private, co-educational, college preparatory day school for students in Early Kindergarten through Grade 12.