Students explore science through hands-on experimentation, individual project design, and interactive computer simulations. Experiments involve both laboratory and field work and include both short-term and long-term observations. Short-term observations often occur within a class period or two, versus long-term experiments which may occur over a week to several months. All students are exposed to the concept of the scientific method and use it to outline experiments. The curriculum emphasizes conveying these observations into written form by the third grade. In addition, the students are taught to use basic graphing skills to analyze data and make comparisons.
Community resources are utilized to gain access to a variety of scientific equipment, technology, and special collections. Both field trips and visitors are incorporated to support themes and ideas. Local curriculum resources are also incorporated to enable students to gain a sense that the ideas we are exploring often relate to events happening in their own communities and backyards.
The integration of science with the curriculum of the grade level teachers and other specialists helps students maintain a solid foundation and erodes the separation of the sciences from other subjects. Overall, the program presents a wide array of subjects, giving students a chance to explore the many aspects of each subject. Students are further enriched with hands-on work in the school's organic garden and the many presentations on caring for both their local and world environments.